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Library Policies

The Mission and Vision of Billy E. Dade Middle School Library reflects that of the Dallas Independent School District's Library Media Services. The goal of the school library program is to support the mission of the school district through the following actions:
  • Embrace and facilitate change by aligning Library Media Services goals and services with the mission and goals of the Teaching and Learning Division;
  • Collaborate and cooperate with all district departments, with neighboring districts, and institutes of higher learning;
  • Support state and national standards and be an advocate for librarianship, and the rights of readers;
  • Identify qualified professional Library Media Specialists and provide administrative support for principals and librarians;
  • Empower and develop library leaders by encouraging their professional growth through reinforcing the use of technology; professional development training; and information sharing;
  • Support the libraries' successful implementation of the Dallas Collaborative Model and Curriculum Central;
  • Provide quality curriculum products;
  • Support the students' right to free selection of materials and promote programs that encourage recreational reading;
  • Provide an online policies and procedures handbook for librarians;
  • Provide input and consultation into the successful building and/or renovation of libraries through collaboration with internal departments, the community and other governmental entities;
  • Interpret Board policy, and recommend policy changes;
  • Keep the Teaching and Learning Division abreast of new developments in the field of librarianship, technology, and education;
  • Be fiscally responsible and explore additional funding sources;
  • Maintain productive relationships with district vendors;
  • Develop safe and secure learning environments;
  • Embrace the Dallas ISD code of ethics and other professional ethical codes.