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Dress Code

2024/2025 DRESS CODE

Scholars are expected to wear:

6th grade -  Gray Tops with a collar (t-shirts are not allowed)

7th grade -  Black Tops with a collar (t-shirts are not allowed)

8th grade -  Orange Tops with a collar (t-shirts are not allowed)

Bottoms - Black or Khaki Pants or Shorts

Girls may also wear skirts that come to the knee (black or khaki)

No all red or all blue shoes are allowed



  1. Shirts or clothing referring to sex, drugs, alcohol, violence, or containing degrading/harassing statements
  2. Sleeveless shirts
  3. Exposed undergarments, midriff skin, or cleavage
  4. Skirts/Jumpers/Dresses that drag the floor, have splits above the knee, or more than one inch above the knee when seated or shorter than the middle of the knew when standing. Skirts worn with leggings must be appropriate length
  5. Hats/Outdoor Jackets/Coats (to be worn to and from school only)/Sunglasses
  6. Capri Pants shorter than mid-calf
  7. Sweatpants/Pajama pants/Athletic pants (Elastic Waistband)
  8. Spandex clothing/Yoga pants 
  9. Military boots - only to be worn by LCC students
  10. Camouflage Attire - only to be worn by LCC students
  11. Chain or cloth key straps attached to clothing (ex: pants, etc.)
  12. Piercing of the body, other than the ears for girls
  13. See-through/Mesh clothing
  14. Clothing with holes or rips
  15. Distracting extremes in clothing, shoes, jewelry, make-up, hairstyles or color (including spiked metal studded bracelets and necklaces or safety pins in clothing)
  16. Pants worn below appropriate waist line
The emphasis of the dress code is appropriate fitting clothing at all times (sitting, standing, walking) and the reflection of a respectful and well groomed student.

Consequences for Dress Code Violations:

1st Offense = Student must change to appropriate clothing; student will receive a written warning; Dress Code guidelines will be sent home with student for parent to sign.
2nd Offense = Student must change to appropriate clothing; student will receive a written warning and a phone call will be made to the student's parent.
3rd Offense = Student must change to appropriate clothing. Detentions will be assigned for 3rd, 4th and 5th offenses. Future occurrences will result in a Saturday school; possible suspension.